Monday, June 06, 2005

Prevent Jet Lag with the Anti-Jet-Lag Diet

The anti-jet-lag diet was developed by Argonne National Laboratories for the military. It is now licensed to where they provide custom diets to travelers for a fee.
The diet starts three days before travel and is based on alternating feast and fast days to get your biological clock ready to adjust to the new time zone. There is enough information to try it for yourself without paying the $10.95.

Click on graphic to see a summary from an article published in Military Medical that is available on the website:

From the site:
The Anti-Jet-Lag Diet can reduce or prevent jet lag for anyone traveling east or west across three or more time zones. Developed by Argonne biologists studying the body's inner clocks, the Anti-Jet-Lag Diet uses nature's time cues to help your body adjust quickly to a new time zone.

The medical journal Military Medicine reported a test of the Anti-Jet-Lag Diet on 186 National Guard troops flying across nine time zones. On the trip east, soldiers who used the Anti-Jet-Lag Diet were 7.5 times less likely to experience jet lag. On the return trip west, soldiers who used the Anti-Jet-Lag Diet were 16.2 times less likely to have jet-lag.

Jet Lag — Prevent Jet Lag with the Anti-Jet-Lag Diet


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