Monday, February 28, 2005

Malaysian students heading for China - Feb 28, 2005

From Straits Times - Singapore

Malaysian students heading for China
Quality education, low cost and good job opportunities are pull factors
By Carolyn Hong

KUALA LUMPUR - MALAYSIAN students are heading to China in increasing numbers for tertiary education and language courses.
They are drawn by the quality of education, low cost and, most of all, by the opportunities open to them after completing their studies.

Their numbers have more than doubled in the past two years, and they are not all Chinese. There are a handful of Malays as well.

Except for Taiwan, China has never been a traditional education destination for Malaysians.

But the one-way traffic of students - there are currently 9,000 Chinese students in Malaysia - is slowly becoming a two-way flow.

He realised this when he researched his area of interest, which is computer science. He found that Qinghua University offered all that he wanted and was confident that it would be well-received by prospective employers. He, too, plans to work in China.

To me this seems to be an indication of changing tide in immigration. Although the numbers of students is still small it is just the beginning of the turning tide. China offers good, cheap education and opportunity for jobs after graduation. This is a huge change from China twenty years ago.

Malaysian students heading for China - Feb 28, 2005


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