Monday, April 11, 2005

Is Polish Enough to Fuel Our Cars?

From Dr. Chris:

Isn't polishing usually associated with putting a somewhat superficial finishing touch on something? After I've vacuumed and washed my car I give it a nice layer of polish- BLING!!! I've got on my best suit and a nice tie and I'm ready for my interview but I've got a half an hour to kill so I go and get my shoes polished- BLING!!

With that in mind, I thought the title, "Workforce needs polish, U.S. businesses declare" was a bit of an understatement.
Yahoo! News - Workforce needs polish, U.S. businesses declare

According to this article, some of the minor skills that workers need to brush up on are punctuality, calling in sick when you can't make it to work, and being willing to accept supervision. But otherwise, as long as workers are allowed to do whatever they want whenever they want, there really is no problem. What's the big deal?

I guess this article jumped out at me because I had just finished reading an entire scary chapter in the book "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman describing how India and China are churning out highly skilled, highly educated workers by the hundreds of thousands who are hungry, STARVING for our jobs. With regard to the US he uses the word crisis a lot. I sure as hell don't work very hard. At first all this really freaked me out, but then I got to thinking...and I came up with the perfect invention to solve all our problems...ready?


Its a car that is powered by the driver's sense of entitlement! Now I just have to hire some Indian engineers to work out the technical details (suckers...)


At 4/11/2005 03:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah and each car will have one of those "As a matter of fact, I DO own the road" bumper stickers on the back.


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