Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sensor Dice in a Conscious World

YRP Ubiquitous Networking Labs, a leader in RFID technology also brought out the RFID reader watch. The watch can read and display information about a nearby tag.

From YRL UNL page:

Knowing World

YRP Ubiquitous Networking Labs Unveils Small Active RFID Tags

Today, YRP Ubiquitous Networking Labs unveiled small Active RFID Tags. They are called "Dice" and the size is about 15mm x 15mm x 15mm. Communication range: about 10m.

More info:
- They claim that "Dice" are the smallest active RFID tags in the world
- "Dice" uses the 315MHz frequency band
- If "Dice" communicate every 5 minutes, its battery will last for about 2 years and 3 months.
- "Dice" supports DES encryption
- About 1000 "Dice" tags can be read at once
- "Dice" can be integrated with sensors (for example, an integrated sensor can detect if a baggage is opened
- A pilot test using "Dice" may be done this year (they want to commercialize it soon)
- if manufactured in volume, the price of a "Dice" tag will likely be "lower end of several dollars"

RFID in Japan: YRP Ubiquitous Networking Labs Unveils Small Active RFID Tags


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