Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Addicted to Glow

New evidence suggests that ultraviolet light has “feel-good” effects that may be similar to those of some addictive drugs according to researchers from Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center.

“We had previously shown that ultraviolet light has an effect on mood that tanners value,” said Mandeep Kaur, M.D., lead author. “Now, in this small study, we’ve shown that some tanners actually experience withdrawal symptoms when the ‘feel-good’ chemicals are blocked.”

The research was designed to test the hypothesis that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light may produce endorphins, brain chemicals that are linked to pain relief and euphoric feelings, and could play a role in tanning behavior. UV light occurs naturally in sunlight and is responsible for the tanning and burning effects of the sun. Artificial UV light is used in tanning beds and sunlamps.

Small Study Points to Addictive Effects of Frequent Tanning :: Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center


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